Regal Health

Skedulo was selected as the ideal platform to manage scheduling and rostering of their entire field workforce of nurses and support workers.


After surpassing half a century supporting Sydney’s most vulnerable residents, the leadership at Regal Health knew effective systems were key to the organisation’s future success. 

Skedulo was selected as the ideal platform to manage scheduling and rostering of their entire field workforce of nurses and support workers. As part of a unified Salesforce tech stack, the implementation has had a profoundly positive effect – including a massive reduction in administrative costs, effortless scaling, higher staff retention, and centralised data for decision making. 

About Regal Health

Regal Health is a home health care service based in Sydney, Australia. Founded in 1966 by Patricia R. Shepherd, a passionate registered nurse, the organisation (under the stewardship of Anna M. Shepherd) has since helped thousands of vulnerable people with services ranging from in-home nursing to medication assistance, cleaning, meal preparation, shopping and companionship. 

With a vision to “enable people to live their lives to the fullest in their own homes”, Regal Health employs a large contingent of nurses and support workers who deliver these valuable services in metro and regional areas. 

A complete re-design of operations

Regal Health spent many months planning for their implementation of Skedulo as part of a complete re-design of internal systems and processes. 

The organisation’s prior model had been in place for 20 years and had suited the then structure of the business. The Board recognised there was a need to overhaul the systems to cater for the next stage of development. 

“Our business has been totally restructured,” says Michael Hall, CEO of Regal Health. “We have moved from being a predominantly clinical company to a multi-faceted business incorporating clinicians and support workers providing a full range of clinical, personal care and domestic services across the aged care and disability sectors. The implementation of new systems has enabled a bottom up approach that allows people to take responsibility for their work and region, with the CEO at the base providing support.”

“It became crucial to get the right person with the right skills in front of the right client at the right time. That’s not an easy task, which is why we needed Skedulo.”

The right systems for success

Regal Health grew very quickly after their restructure to a position where they are now providing more than 20,000 customer visits per month. Skedulo became integral to operations; from scheduling new and repeat jobs to communicating with staff in the field and forecasting resource requirements.  

“We established our new processes and procedures while setting up Skedulo, which was a lot of work because we weren’t transferring data from an old system to a new one. We had to engage temporary staff to input data then it took many months to review to ensure the veracity of that data.” 

David Thompson, registered nurse and Operations Manager at Regal Health, joined the organisation 10 months after Skedulo’s implementation. 

“Thankfully they did all the hard work beforehand which is terrific as I’ve benefited from it since the beginning! One of the biggest benefits has been total control over our data – we know exactly what’s happening across the organisation with excellent reporting which means no client ever falls through the cracks. 

“It also makes it easy to plan ahead. I know what will happen over the next quarter and can allocate or expand our resourcing effectively.”

“Before, the level of admin work to support 70 staff was very heavy. Now, we have nearly 200 staff and the level of admin is minimal.”

Strong revenue growth, higher retention, and an impressive reduction in costs

Regal Health has gone from strength to strength since revolutionising their operating model and implementing the systems required to support it. 

According to Michael and David, key benefits include:

Administrative costs: Regal Health’s cost of operations (less staff payments) have dropped by over 35% as a percentage of revenue – an achievement that was only possible due to the systems they put in place.  

Resource planning: Centralised data makes it easy for their leadership team to make informed decisions about resourcing. “We can drill down into different regions and know what days of the week or times of the day are busiest. All our resource planning is now built around customer requirements – from regions to skills and down to hours needed.”

Retention: Ownership over their roles and an ability to plan around their lives has empowered Regal Health’s large contingent of nurses and support workers, leading to a strong uptick in retention.

Some of the factors contributing to success are:

  • User-centric dashboards so people only see information that matters to them 
  • Job requirements are now distributed to share the workload 
  • Knowledge-sharing is streamlined to reduce pressure on individuals and risk to the organisation
  • Recruitment campaigns promote fully mobile capabilities which entice quality applicants
  • Decentralised systems allow staff to work from home if desired
  • External factors don’t threaten service continuity (i.e.: 97% of jobs were fulfilled even when 48% of staff were isolating during COVID) 

“75% of our workforce is casual by choice and Skedulo makes it easy for them to specify when they can work, where they want to work, how far they want to travel, and what types of jobs they want to take on. It also reduces pressure on them when they’re in the field. For example, they can use the system to raise an alert for any issues and we can have another support worker or nurse out to the client that same day. Our people feel supported which is very important in our industry.”

Cash flow: For Regal Health, cashflow and forecasting are critical to survival. Jobs can vary from 20 minutes to 12 hours (billed by the hour), so quality reporting is essential to track variations, verify data, and log claims. “Before Skedulo and Salesforce we would bill every 4 weeks and were paid 7 to 10 days after. Now we can bill weekly which has had a huge impact on cashflow. It means we’re not constrained in delivering to clients or exploring new innovations.”

Scale: The strong growth in revenue did not require Regal Health to scale their operations team. “If our existing customer base doubled overnight, our systems could cope. We always feel in control and that’s what great systems give you. One of our board members said that of all the companies they’ve been involved with, we are the most resilient. A lot of that comes down to the data and clarity we now have – decision making is just so much easier.” 

Having experienced such a significant shift in their operations, systems and business outcomes, Michael and David say it has been an exciting journey with Skedulo. 

“Skedulo has grown with us over the past 3 years. The team is always looking at how to make the product more useful, and our Customer Success Manager has consistently worked with us to find fast solutions to any issues – sometimes even before we know we need them.”

“Skedulo will become even more central to the way we operate as we continue to grow. It will enable us to go to the next stage: expanding beyond our geographical territory and the range of services we deliver. There will be lots of disruption in the home healthcare sector in coming years, and our systems place us in a strong, agile and confident position.”

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