Faces of the Frontline: Shannon and Carina from Solace Pediatric Home Healthcare share their Skedulo story
Based in Colorado, Solace Pediatric Home Healthcare (Solace) provides pediatric nursing and occupational, physical and speech therapy services to more than 3,500 children across the state.
The company manages around 200 clinicians who deliver in-home evaluations, treatment and support to children from birth to 18 years.
Carina also remembers coordinating clinicians and families could get very frustrating. “I always wanted to do more, but I couldn’t. And I hate mistakes, so I would have to spend a lot of time triple checking everything to make sure it was accurate.”
Managing cancellations was another significant challenge, as was deciding when to hire new people.
“We had no system to capture data,” recalls Shannon. “So we would have to guess if our clinicians were fully booked and we needed to recruit more. But if we hire too fast and there are no referrals waiting, new clinicians end up with very few visits which becomes frustrating. It was difficult to find the right balance.”
Shannon says another great aspect of Skedulo is communication between herself and families. Skedulo automatically reminds families of upcoming appointments, and lets them know when she’s on her way. Scheduling is also much more efficient which allows Solace clinicians to help more children.
“I love that we can now see where we are going and how long it will take to get there. We can see more children in a day and still give quality treatment but just spend less time driving from home to home. It’s been a huge shift to be more strategic with referral locations so we can be as efficient as possible.”
Carina agrees, and says she can reassure customers about the communications they will receive before their appointment which helps them feel more confident. She also believes Skedulo has given her more confidence personally, and freed her up to do other important tasks.
“When we first started using Skedulo I would double check everything until I trusted the new way of working. Now I know I can depend on Skedulo to help me be more organized and efficient. I know I can schedule without mistakes, and I can schedule much more than I could before. For example, if I could schedule 5 appointments in a day before I can do 15 now with Skedulo.”
Darcie Peacock, CEO of Solace, also shares how Skedulo has helped the company grow and reduce inefficiencies (such as decreasing patient no-shows by a whopping 84%!). See Darcie’s interview.