Faces of Skedulo: Michael Petersen

People are the heart of Skedulo, and success—for us, our team and our customers—is a collaborative effort. We are proud of our team’s achievements and celebrate them every month with our Skedgend Awards. A Skedgend is a teammate who has been nominated by their peers for consistently demonstrating excellence in our values:


In this series, we share the personal stories of our valued Skedgends who work on the frontline and behind the scenes to help make Skedulo a success.

Michael Petersen, Principal Architect, based in Brisbane | Skegend Award Winner January 2021


How long have you been with Skedulo?

I started with Skedulo in January, 2020 so a little over 12 months. It’s been a bit of a crazy time obviously. The team was very welcoming and I was initially working in the office, and then we moved to remote working for around 9 months. 

Working from home was a bit of a challenge, especially when you’re new. But we got through it and it’s actually great to get back in the office now and start talking to people face to face again. 

Why did you choose to work with Skedulo?

For a number of reasons. Certainly the problem space looked very interesting—in particular the platform aspect and building a product to help other people solve problems. 

The people I met through the interview process were fantastic. The culture seemed good which is important to me. Everything just sort of came together, so that’s why I chose Skedulo.  

What’s your favorite thing about your role at Skedulo?

My role involves working with many different teams to help them achieve their goals in various phases of projects. I help out, talk to business stakeholders, and talk to technical folk. I really like that mix of communication, and I enjoy seeing teams deliver interesting functionality to the market. 

How did winning the Skedgend award make you feel?

Obviously it’s good to get individual recognition, so that was absolutely welcome and good to receive. But I also thought that a lot of people put in a lot of hard work to make the project a success, so it felt like it should be a team award. 

What stories supported your win for the Skedgend award?

I believe it was my work on the vaccinations project. It’s a project that was delivered under tight time pressure, has a large impact in the world, and is being taken up widely in the market. 

What Skedgend values do you feel you embody most?

The values I try and embody the most are fearless together—because my whole job is working with teams to accomplish their goals—and no shenanigans. I like to just get the work done, no fuss. 

What motivates you to work hard?

I like to see things go from idea to reality. That’s the joy I get out of the job, and often that involves working hard and going the extra mile to make it happen. There’s always more work than you think.

What is your proudest accomplishment at Skedulo?

The vaccinations project, and if I look back on the product features we’ve delivered over the last year there’s some really game changing stuff and there will continue to be in 2021. 

What is the funniest thing that’s ever happened on a work call?

Usual stuff—had my dog lick my toes while talking to a customer which was interesting. And kids running around in the background while I’m on a work call!

What are you most excited about in 2021?

Leaving the state hopefully. That’s something I didn’t get to do in 2020. 

What do you love most about working at Skedulo?

It’s a mix of things really. In a global sense, we work across many countries and cultures, and we’re solving lots of interesting and varied problems. The work space and culture and people are really enjoyable to work with. Everyone is committed to getting the job done in the most efficient and practical fashion. So it’s been a real breath of fresh air. 

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