Faces of Skedulo: Michael Petersen
People are the heart of Skedulo, and success—for us, our team and our customers—is a collaborative effort. We are proud of our team’s achievements and celebrate them every month with our Skedgend Awards. A Skedgend is a teammate who has been nominated by their peers for consistently demonstrating excellence in our values:
Michael Petersen, Principal Architect, based in Brisbane | Skegend Award Winner January 2021
Usual stuff—had my dog lick my toes while talking to a customer which was interesting. And kids running around in the background while I’m on a work call!
What are you most excited about in 2021?
Leaving the state hopefully. That’s something I didn’t get to do in 2020.
What do you love most about working at Skedulo?
It’s a mix of things really. In a global sense, we work across many countries and cultures, and we’re solving lots of interesting and varied problems. The work space and culture and people are really enjoyable to work with. Everyone is committed to getting the job done in the most efficient and practical fashion. So it’s been a real breath of fresh air.